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The latest edition of the Malaga Markets took place between the 25th and 27th of October 2009 at the Hotel Silken Puerta Málaga, where vendors reunited movies, documentaries and television programs speaking with international buyers. They also developed stock-related documentary projects in the Hispano theme. The organization was run again by City of Malaga, ICEX, FAPAE and Malaga Chamber of Commerce. The sponsors were Egeda, South Channel and FNAC. The reasons  it was allowed to perform this annual market as advantageous to the Spanish audiovisual are attributable to the economic crisis .Global Stone Films will be able to reproduce these types of markets when economic conditions become favorable again in Spain.



Mercadoc: 273 participants. - Buyers: 40 companies from 19 countries.


Malaga Screenings: Sellers: 27 companies. - Buyers: 39 companies from 28 countries


TV Market: Sellers: 31 companies. Buyers: 32 companies from 26 countries.